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Classic Porsche Suspension Lesson with EXE-TC

by | Mar 3, 2013 | Modified Porsche Hot Rods, Project Cars

Hot on the heels of a day spent with suspension experts from KW Suspension, came a chance encounter with the EXE-TC experts at Tuthill Porsche.

Porsche suspension classic Ferdinand Magazine

Graham Gleeson is the brains behind EXE-TC: the suspension engineering company that has underpinned Sebastien Loeb’s many world rally championships over the last few years.

Porsche EXE TC Tuthill suspension Ferdinand

EXE-TC and Tuthill are closely linked in classic Porsche chassis engineering, and development on these joint projects is always ongoing. The EB Motorsport RSR and the Janssens dog box car are two Tuthill-built competition 911s that have run EXE-TC gear in testing, but road cars are also used to get street-biased products working properly.

EXE TC Tuthill Porsche suspension 3

The car seen here is an Albert Blue amalgam of classic components, combined by Tuthills to build one man’s perfect Porsche. This is running an EXE-TC development subframe to reduce frame torsion at the front of the car.

Surprisingly, the alignment was set to toe out: I’ve never gone for toe out on an older 911 but the test drivers (two names you would certainly know) both say it works with this set up.

EXE TC Tuthill Porsche suspension 2

There are still some areas needing work here, so development continues. An interesting encounter with Graham, and nice to put a face to the name.


    • John Glynn

      It was something in development but Graham died soon after and not sure anything has been done with it since. Interesting though – might even have a pic somewhere…


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