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Porsche 911 RSR at Rennsport Reunion IV

by | Oct 18, 2011 | Classic Porsche Blog, Race and Rally

This Porsche 911 RSR at Rennsport Reunion photo is currently going slightly ballistic on my Tumblr page. I call it “Big, Bad and Dangerous to Know”.

I took this at a low point in the weekend. Yes, there were low points! It was late in the afternoon, I’d just been refused a photo pass without prior approval and then scolded by a track lady for standing on a low wall for five seconds. I was dehydrating, sunburnt, carrying a heavy photo bag and life was generally shit.

But life don’t stay shit for long when you’re surrounded by classic Porsche machinery. Standing next to the famous Jeans RSR, the crowds parted for half a second and I was ready to rock. Bam! In the Nikon. I see it as a double page opener for my Rennsport story: we’ll see how that goes.

Ten minutes later, I was in the rental car with a bottle of water, aircon on and the Zuffenhaus boys in the back. We had an early dinner at Baja Cantina, then I dropped them for their flight home and headed off to bed early.

When I woke up, everything was all better. Sleep is the best cure for what ails ya.


  1. johnt

    Yes John, sleep cures all. But here it is Wednesday evening and I’m still not cured!

    Anyone an a race in California with a whistle (and white pants) – ignore them graciously, they are minarets to be suffered poorly.

    • John

      My nemeses were higher up, but they came good in the end! Not forgot your pics – will send some when I have processed the Rennsport pile. Thanks again for all the hospitality: great to see you.


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