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Magnus Walker Porsche Film: London Premiere

by | Sep 11, 2012 | Classic Porsche Blog, Modified Porsche Hot Rods

Had an email from my buddy Magnus Walker in LA last night, inviting me to the premiere of his Urban Outlaw Porsche film on September 28th. Assuming it was in California, I was forced to decline, but Magnus clipped me ’round the ear and told me it was London, as part of the Raindance Film Festival. Needless to say, I’m in!

Raindance is Europe’s leading independent film festival. An unmissable celebration of filmmaking, Raindance nurtures, supports and promotes independent films and filmmakers from the UK and around the world.

Ex-pat Magnus is thrilled to be showing his first short feature at Raindance in London, where his love for Porsche began. “Porsche began for me at the 1977 Motor Show: one look at the 930 and I was hooked. As a boy, I had the Turbo poster on my bedroom wall in Sheffield, but moving to LA was where it really started cooking. It really is the land of opportunity, especially the early 911 kind.”

California allows Porsche immersion like nowhere else on earth. No way could a UK-based Magnus have built a collection like the one he’s amassed over twenty five years in LA. In one sense, this premiere brings a virtual collection back to the UK, to be savoured with British 911 fans before heading off to the wider world. Walker agrees.

“A chance encounter with Canadian film director, Tamir Moscovici, earlier this year was the start of what was to become our Urban Outlaw short documentary film. Tamir’s movie vividly captures the soul of my Porsche passion/obsession & drive to succeed. Thirty-five years after that fateful London Motor Show, we bring our own motor show back to the capita: I hope we’ll get some Porsche fans there to enjoy it with us!”

You’ve seen the movie trailer previously on Ferdinand Magazine and the Classic Porsche blog, but it’s here again to remind you. UK hot rod Porschers and anyone else who wants to fly in are more than welcome to join us at the Apollo Piccadilly Circus on the night of Friday September 28th. Should be a great evening’s entertainment!

Fabulous top Magnus pic by our friend Maurice at Dutchman Photos, from his Total911 feature on the wild man.


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