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Harvey Weidman: America’s Porsche Fuchs Restorer

by | Feb 10, 2010 | Classic Porsche Blog, Project Cars

I love Fuchs wheels. No other alloy wheel suits a Porsche 911 like the classic lightweight Fuchs forged alloy rim. Smooth and simple, it neither overpowers the classic 911 shape nor underdelivers in its visual impact. A Fuchs rim is the perfect Porsche wheel, so remember that the word is pronounced ‘Fooks’ and is the same whether single or plural.

I have a few Fuchs in my collection now. Nothing outrageously wide, just the regular stuff in 15″ and 16″ diameter. I have tried some of the UK Fuchs refurbers, which has worked out OK but never really stunning. So there was only one man to talk to about a set of 15″ Fuchs for my orange Carrera 3.0, in 7″ and 8″ rim widths, done in the classic RSR finish. That man is Harvey Weidman in Oroville, California. This is his anodised RSR finish on a pair of 9×15 Fuchs:

Harvey is a 911 fan. His Martini 911 (below, shot by Bob Tilton) is a regular on R Gruppe events in Northern California, and his laid back style and late night car park conversation is a real crowd puller. Well, it pulls me anyway.

Weidman’s Wheels have been playing with Fuchs since Moses was a boy. Harvey tells some great stories of ordering the rarest rims brand new from PCNA many moons ago, at prices to make us weep today. Suffice to say that if Harvey doesn’t know it about Fuchs wheels, then nobody does.

I bought a few sets of 15s in the States last year and not all of them were immaculate. I recently pieced together some RSR candidates by way of a set of 7s and 8s, and sent them to Harvey via some helpful Norcal buddies who were headed up to drop some rims, shoot the breeze and take some pics. They came back with a few cool shots, which I thought might be nice to share. The first is of some uber cool Ronal rims for a widebody project one of the guys is working on. Love these babies:

Here you can see just how wide we are talking! The hunt is on for the centre gaskets on these.

Here’s the Ronals in use on one of the Belga cars from Ypres 1985. Look at the width!

Next is a rim being altered for a buddy running a very widebody 911 RSR down in Southern Callifornia. Playing with rim widths and offsets is a Weidman speciality; not heard of a fail myself yet.

Finally, here’s some RS Carrera wheels that have just been finished in the original green. Note the perfectly sized template for the mounting face under the bench – we don’t want paint in between the wheel and the hub. Amazing how many refurbishment ‘experts’ get this wrong:

Needless to say, I’m looking forward to seeing the finished products in a few months’ time. The Carrera 3.0 is a special little car and Fuchs are special rims. The combination of 15s, Continental Orange 911 and Harvey’s stylish hands should be pretty amazing stuff. More pics as we get them!

Contact details for Weidman’s Wheels are below. If you like Fuchs like I like Fuchs, then it’s well worth getting in touch. Harvey also refurbs Minilites (tricky things to do right) and magnesium centrelock wheels.

Weidman’s Wheels
1675 Wyandotte Avenue
Oroville, CA 95966

(530) 534-7903


  1. Phil Raby

    Very nice! Although the originals wouldn't have been anodised, surely? 🙂

  2. Nick Appleton

    Hi John, what happened to those 7 & 8s that you bought off me? Love the pics and the Fuchs are truly a work of art. I couldn't get over just how light those 15" 7 & 8s were too compared to my 'modern day' Cup 1s for instance.

    Keep up the good work mate,

    Nick A

    • johndglynn

      Hi mate, thanks for the compliments 😉 I had the 7s and 8s refurbed and then sold them to my buddy Al down on the South Coast. They are on his Arrow Blue SC and look fantastic!

  3. Arlo Vidts

    Nice shots, and I love those Ronals! Is that the SC RS that was featured in 911&PW some time ago?

    • johndglynn

      I remember reading somewhere that some of the Belga cars were modified 3.2s/SCs and not SC RSs. I'll have to look it up.

  4. George Gates

    Hello, I am trying to find some tires to fit my Fuch 9″ rims on 15″ wheels for my 1973 911. The only company seems to be Kuhmo Ecsta LX Platinum. Any one have other ideas, or experience with these tires? Thank you, George

    • John

      I ran Kumhos on my first 911. Always found them good tyres. What size are you looking for: 245s? You can get a 225 over 9s.



  1. Best Fuchs Restorer??? - Page 2 - Pelican Parts Technical BBS - […] for Harvey Weidman. Weidman Wheels: 911 Fuchs Specialists in Northern California 86 Turbo 16x7 and 9s. Turn around time…
  2. Fuchs Restoration? - Pelican Parts Technical BBS - […] flawless. We just showed a 67S at the Porsche Parade and got 298.6 (the wheels were perfect). Weidman Wheels:…

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