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Porsche Classic Cup: Jyllandsringen, Denmark

by | Jan 21, 2013 | Classic Porsche Blog, Race and Rally

I had a good chat with Mads Jensen in Denmark last week: driver and team manager for the Scandinavian team, State of Art racing.


You’ll know State of Art from the videos I post every year, following the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix: always exciting and usually featuring Björn or Stig winning in a Porsche. This year, Mads is putting a Porsche-only race together at the Jyllandsringen GP on August 24-25th: I’m delighted to help publicise the event. Mads says:

“When Jyllandsringen is organising its annual Grand Prix Denmark 24th-25th August 2013, one of the main attractions will be a 40-minute race exclusively for historic Porsche 911 race cars. We expect 40 registered cars from across Scandinavia and possibly the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, which will compete in 3 categories divided by age groups: Up to 1965, 1966-1971 and 1972-1976.

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This event started with one single idea: To create a race with only classic 911’s. I race a 911 myself and know almost all 911 drivers/race car owners here. I contacted the organisers of Grand Prix Denmark and suggested to gather all 911’s. There are about 30 of these cars here in Denmark and 21 of them have signed up so far.

There is a max of 45 cars on the track, so we decided to invite people we are connected to from abroad. In addition to the race, we are organising a Porsche gathering to celebrate the 50 years anniversary. I am an active member of the Porsche Clubs and online communities and they are all onboard for this, as is the Danish importer.

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We are expecting 300 club members to exhibit their cars in the dedicated 911 paddock. Everyone gets a few laps on the track in the lunchbreak and we host a party in the hospitality area. Finally, if we can get funding, we are planning to invite former Porsche works drivers.”

Sounds cool. So is the poster for the event, created by 911 fan and online friend Paul Wilson in Copenhagen. Rather optimistically seems to show an ST in front of a RSR, like Twinspark Racing’s Viper Green Hulk 911 Porsche RSR. If that’s Waldegard with Stolk coming up behind him, I am seriously impressed!

I’m planning to be there, and fingers crossed a few of you will attend also. The website is Danish only at the minute, but it’s in the process of being translated. Check it out at


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