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Porsche Film Contest North America

by | Sep 16, 2011 | Classic Porsche Blog, Porsche News

Porsche Cars North America has a Porsche film contest running on its mydailymagic website at the minute. The competition is an offshoot of the ‘Porsche Everyday’ campaign, where we drivers (and erstwhile prospective purchasers) are encouraged to consider how Porsche fits the everyday routine, while also staying romantically stitched into our subconscious.

I’ve only just heard about this film competition, so I’m sad to say that entries are already closed. Sorry if that’s a blow to your pent-up creativity. The final ten films are on the site for you to watch and vote for. The winner gets some very nice exposure for their work and A 911 FOR A YEAR! Pretty cool by any film contest standard.

My inner critic started by watching Kristina Woo’s “The Ride”, then set to watching the rest of the films: all made by boys (I think). Disappointed with the predictability of most other offerings, I was almost certain that Kristina would whack the Classic Porsche Blog gong until – *HALLELUJAH* – I watched Michael Koerbel’s film.

Michael plainly gets the Porsche thing, with big fat knobs on, and a cherry on the top. So he gets my vote! Kristina is my runner up: I don’t feel as much flow, but it’s marginal and I get where she is coming from. I have two of those myself…

We all get a kick out of different things. Our votes only count for part of the results: the rest of the marks are for Porsche’s list of “overall appeal, originality and creativity, understanding and demonstration of “Porsche Daily Magic” and adherence to the creative assignment.” edit: 16/5/2015: sadly the original entries are gone now but Michael’s is still on his Vimeo, hence it is above.

The winning film premieres at a red carpet event at the Downtown Independent Theatre in LA on October 4th, and will show at Landmark Theatres across the USA later that week. Kudos to Porsche and all the contestants – top effort.


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